A “Isn’t it amazing”

E “That you love me?”

E “When I’m not hiding, I’m being my most beautiful self for you”

A “I have so much, I only know how I want to feel in these cross currents of my soul”

A “Don’t you understand about the changing seasons?”

E “There are no seasons, there is only our dance”

E “This is what we are about; this is why you come back here looking for me”

A “I need to wrap my arms around you forever”

E “No, not yet”

E “You want this to be easy and simple; it is not”

A “I’m trying to understand”

A I’m confused; I’m feeling that I am dropping down into love for you”

E “I know how you feel; I know what is growing and shining like this full moon over our heads”

E “You are in such a rush”

E “We have all the time in the world”

A “This Dark Moon is upon you and I”

E “You and I are now partners in this dance”

E “It’s a slow dance, be patient”

A “Egret, take me where you will, I love you”

E “I am here, I believe in you, be patient; be brave”